How do I book online with Rottnest Express?

Booking online

When booking your travel dates and times online with Rottnest Express, please be aware of the below.

Their supported browser for Windows/Mac is Google Chrome 48.0 or higher, Firefox 45.0 or higher or Microsoft IE11 or higher.

Once the redemption page has loaded enter the voucher number(s) into the promotion code box and complete the details of your travel arrangements.

Please note that once you have selected your ferry times, your voucher number and booking is considered temporarily confirmed, at this time you will have 30 minutes to complete your ferry booking.

If you don’t confirm your details during this time, your voucher number will be held against this booking for an additional 30 minutes.

In order to re-start your booking with the same voucher number you will need to wait at least 1 hour before you can book again online.

If you require assistance please contact the Rottnest Express Reservations Team on 1300 467 688 (booking fees may apply)

Categories: FAQ Redeeming your voucher